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Welcome friends....I'm not sure how you found the site but I'm glad you did! Sit back, prop your feet up and take a look at the pictures in the Photo Archive. I hope you enjoy looking at them as much as I enjoyed taking them.

This site is just a way for an addicted fly fisherman (although I do, from time to time, pick up a spinning reel...perish the thought) to share a couple of memories. It also gives me a way to relive good times and provide proof that I didn't fib about the "ones that got away." You'll see pictures of a number of folks who fish with me from time to time. Gary E is trying to spend a little more time on the stream but his new family demands more and more of his time. Ed, a friend of over 40 years, is now into the fly fishing game too. He was once a hard core worm/spinner fisherman who has recently discovered the world of wild trout and bass on the fly. He still likes to spin fish so he joins me on a few of my trips to the Juniata River. There are a few other friends who show up now and again but they can't seem to spend as much time on the water as I can.

You'll also find pictures of a number of locations. The fishing season starts...if there really is a beginning or end...around the opening of trout season in Pennsylvania . That's April in these parts. We fish for trout until about June, depending on the weather. Then our sights turn to the Susquehanna, Juniata Rivers and now, Swatara Creek for Smallies and panfish. We also fish a bunch of local lakes for anything that will bite on a fly. Pan fish have become a popular target too...just because. When October hits and the water cools, we once again fish for trout.

So, that's it in a nut shell. Please remember I'm not a professional angler or professional photographer. I am, and will probably always be, a student at both always willing to learn and share little tidbits of knowledge I pick up along the way. Enjoy!



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